Monday, February 5, 2007

Off to a Good Start!

Welcome to the TYCAM Textbook blog. After creating this blog, I decided that we might make better use of a message board, so please follow us on to the TYCAM Textbook board where I think it will be easier to break into teams and keep the conversations going between meetings.

You may either register a username for the message board or post to it without logging in. However, if you choose to post freestyle, you will not receive a grade for your discussions if I do not know your name. :)

When we begin to come to a consensus or when we have news, we will post it here where we can more easily track our overall progress.

Any suggestions should be posted to the blog or the message board or be emailed to me: sharon dot gerald at jcjc dot edu.

The message board categories were created quickly and based only on my general memory of topics mentioned in meetings. They are not meant to reflect any official decisions about the content of the book or the chapter headings. Please feel free to help me figure out what categories we need to add or subtract along the way.

It was good to see everyone at the lovely Eagle Ridge, and I'm excited to be working with you online and off.

Friday, February 2, 2007


Welcome to our new blog! This is a place for the Two Year College English Association of Mississippi to brainstorm, discuss and fret over the textbook we are creating as a team effort for English Composition II.